
  • Reasons People Avoid the Dentist & Reasons You Should Not

    There are several common reasons people avoid going to see a dentist regularly, but this is not a good decision to make. Avoiding the dentist means you may be neglecting issues in your mouth that need to be addressed, and this could lead to further problems. Here are some of the common reasons people avoid going to the dentist, along with the top reasons you should fight your fear and make an appointment with a dentist.
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  • Getting To The Root Of The Problem: 4 Signs You May Need A Root Canal

    Proper oral hygiene and regular visits to your dentist are key tasks to protect the underlying health and look of your smile. Unfortunately, certain dental conditions can still develop – even when you're caring for your mouth, teeth, and gums. An estimated 41,000 root canals are performed every day in the United States, so it is a common procedure that you may need at one point in time. While it is a popular treatment, you may not be familiar with the reasons behind a root canal.
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  • Frenectomy Surgery Healing Tips To Follow

    If you have a condition called tongue tie, then you have an elongated fraenum. The fraenum is the small flap of skin that connects the tongue to the bottom of the mouth. Tongue tie can cause cavity issues, since the tongue cannot move freely to release food particles that sit close to the teeth. The problem can also cause speech difficulties. Thankfully, a fairly simple procedure called a lingual frenectomy can be completed to cut back the fraenum so the tongue can move freely.
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  • Blame The Bottle: Dangers Of Juice Rot & How To Avoid It

    Juice rot, also known as baby bottle tooth decay, is a serious problem that affects many young children. Not enough parents have heard of this problem, so they're contributing to it without even realizing it. Make sure you know how juice rot occurs so you can prevent it and what you can do if one of your children ends up with it. What is Juice Rot? Juice rot, or baby bottle tooth decay, is a dental issue where a baby's teeth rot before or just after they come in because of sugary drinks.
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  • 2 Home Remedies for Relieving Discomfort Caused by Sensitive Teeth

    If you have sensitive teeth, you may wonder if there is anything you can do to relieve the discomfort caused by them. If so, try one or all of the following home remedies along with any treatments your dentist may have prescribed to alleviate your symptoms. All of the ingredients can be found in natural health food stores or pharmacy departments in supermarkets and department stores. Brush Your Teeth With a Baking Soda & Peppermint Oil Paste
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  • Cleaning Tips To Reduce Infection Issues After Dental Implant Surgery

    If you have a dental implant placed in your mouth, then you surely want the device to last long-term. This means taking great care of the device, especially during the first few months of the healing period. During this time, you will need to make sure that you keep the dental implant clean or a condition called peri-implantitis will occur. This type of dental implant infection affects about 28% of all implant recipients and cit an cause you to lose your implant permanently.
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  • What Can You Do If You Hate The Look Of Your Eye Teeth?

    Your eye teeth, also known as canines, are the pointed teeth found between your incisors and premolars. These teeth are used for tearing apart meats and other tough foods. They're an essential part of your dentistry, but a lot of people hate the way their canines look in their mouths. Namely, some patients feel like their canines are too large or too pointy, and that this makes them the focal point of their smile.
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  • Want Beautiful Teeth But Fear The Dental Work? 2 Dental Breakthroughs That May Make Dental Fear A Thing Of The Past

    If you want beautiful teeth, then don't let dental fear get in the way of your goal. If you are like many adults with dental fear, then there may be two instruments that cause it – the anesthetic needles and the drills. While you may know that they won't really hurt you, when anxiety strikes, people often stop thinking logically. If you want dental work, but you are avoiding it due to this reason, then you will be happy to hear that many standard and cosmetic dentistry procedures can now be performed without a drill at all, and dental researchers are also working hard to find ways to numb patients' mouths before dental procedures without having to use anesthetic injections.
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  • Caring For The Teeth Of A Sick Child: What Parents Should Know

    When your child gets a bug from preschool or even just from playing at the park, you do your best to keep their temperature down and keep them hydrated, but dental care can fall by the wayside as you try to get your child back on the path of good health. However, because the body's immune system becomes stressed during illness and because the nature of being sick poses some unique risks, you should actually be more vigilant when your child is fighting off a bacterial infection or a virus.
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  • 5 Questions Parents May Have About Extruded Teeth

    About half of all children and teens will experience a traumatic dental injury by the time they graduate high school, so as a parent, you need to be prepared for this eventuality. There are many traumatic dental injuries that children and teens can experience, ranging from cracked teeth to knocked out teeth. It's also possible for their teeth to be partially dislodged; dentists call this injury an extruded tooth. Below are five questions answered about your child's teeth.
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