3 Things To Do If Your Toddler Chips A Tooth

Posted on: 2 August 2016


With the amount of time that toddlers spend exploring the world around them, it's no surprise that injuries are bound to happen. While some injuries can be treated at home, other injuries, such as those that affect the teeth and gums, should be evaluated by a dental professional. To learn more about how to handle a chipped, broken, or lost tooth in your toddler, consider the three steps below.

1. Evaluate and Tend to the Immediate Injury

If your toddler has fallen and somehow injured their teeth or gums, it's first important to evaluate the situation and treat as necessary.

If blood is present, immediately apply pressure to the area with a washcloth or piece of gauze until the bleeding stops. When the bleeding stops, check to make sure that no teeth are missing, chipped, or cracked. If the tooth has become loosened by the fall, or if the tooth is missing, chipped, or cracked, set up an appointment with a pediatric dentist.

2. Bring Your Toddler to the Dentist

While all manner of dental injuries should be evaluated by a dentist, there are certain injuries that are more traumatic than others and which may require immediate care.

If your child is in pain, or if the tooth seems to be posing a danger to your toddler (it's loose or sharp), call pediatric dentists in your area and try to find an office with an immediate opening. Since children are prone to accidents, many pediatric dentists are used to making room for emergency visits, and it's possible that you can be seen that very day. If the tooth does not seem to be causing your child pain, you may still want to have your child's teeth examined to ensure they're properly positioned, and to be sure that the crack or chip isn't more serious than it appears.

3. Follow the Dentist's After Care Tips

Depending on the location of your toddler's dental injury, you may have to be extra careful for the next few days to ensure no further injuries irritate the area.

Your child's dentist may recommend that your child only eat soft foods for the first few days following the injury, just to ensure that no further damage is caused. The dentist will also advise you on pain treatment, such as offering your toddler an ice cube wrapped in a cloth or a Popsicle to keep the swelling surrounding the injured tooth down and to help numb the area. If further evaluation of the tooth is necessary, your child's dentist will let you know.

For more information, contact Kilby Family Dentistry or a similar location.