These Mistakes Could Lead To Complications With Your Dental Implants

Posted on: 14 July 2017


Getting dental implants can make you feel confident to smile widely for the first time in a long time, especially if you've dealt with prolonged dental issues. Once you have your dental implants, however, you'll want to do all that you can to take care of them. You can expect that your dentist will take plenty of time to go over how to care for the implants, and you may also receive literature that you can take home to reference when needed. Failing to properly care for your dental implants can lead to problems with them or with your overall dental health. Here are some mistakes that are best to avoid.

Flossing Aggressively

After you get dental implants, it's understandable that you'll really want to keep them in good condition. This desire could lead you to take the wrong approach, however. For example, given the importance of flossing, you could floss around the implants aggressively. While you may have the best of intentions, aggressively pushing dental floss around the base of your implants can potentially be detrimental. Doing so can wear away your gums, which can expose the implants and potentially lead to infection. If you're even the slightest bit hesitant about how to floss correctly, make sure that your dentist gives you a tutorial. 

Applying Too Much Pressure While Brushing

Especially when the dental implants are new, you should be careful to avoid pushing against them too hard out of concern for breaking an implant. Some people brush their teeth with too much pressure, and this habit isn't conducive to taking good care of your dental implants. Even if you're eager to keep the implants clean, you need to simply let the brush and the toothpaste do their jobs. If you feel that you need to scrub harder, purchase toothpaste with baking soda or another type of abrasive substance in it, as you'll be able to thoroughly scrub the teeth with minimal pressure.

Skipping Dental Checkups

It may be tempting to skip your next dental checkup, especially if you've received a full set of dental implants. While you won't be at risk of cavities, there are other oral health issues that you could experience — and that's why you need to regularly visit your dentist. For example, gum disease or other gum issues could be detrimental to the health of your implants, so it's important to see your dentist regularly.