3 Important Things To Understand About Cracked Teeth
Posted on: 24 October 2022
Individuals who experience tooth sensitivity or pain may have cracked teeth even if their teeth appear to look intact. The pain often happens after or during eating, and teeth may also appear to be sensitive to hot and cold beverages. Some individuals may stop eating food on the side of their mouths that is affected. It is important to keep in mind that some cracks are not visible to the naked eye. These cracks are often referred to as micro-cracks. These cracks may be caused by eating certain foods or having conditions such as bruxism, which is a condition that causes individuals to clench or teeth grinding. The following points identify more things to know about cracked teeth.
Things That Can Lead to Cracked Teeth
There are a variety of things that can cause cracked teeth. Individuals who experience mouth trauma may get cracks. Sometimes these cracks occur below the gumline. This makes it difficult for them to realize that they have damaged teeth. Eating hard food such as ice or chewing on hard objects such as pencils can also lead to cracks.
How to Determine if it is a Cracked Tooth
Pain or sensitivity are key signs that a tooth has cracks. However, this can also occur when individuals have cavities. Some cavities are not discolored, and individuals may not realize they have them. This is why it is best to seek medical attention from a general dentistry office to get a diagnosis for the pain or sensitivity. Cracked teeth may appear to have swollen gum tissue around them. This can happen if the cracks extend below the gum tissue. It may also occur if the cracks have allowed bacteria to enter and infect the tooth root.
Treatments for Cracked Teeth
Dentists have a variety of treatment options for individuals who have cracked teeth. They examine the teeth and determine where the cracks exist. Based on their findings, they can recommend restorative options such as fillings, dental crowns, or veneers. Certain types of cracks may require the affected teeth to be extracted. If tooth roots are infected, root canals will need to be performed before the general dentistry restoration.
A general dentistry office is a good resource to use to determine if you have cracked teeth. Routine dental appointments are the best way to identify cracks. Dentists have access to advanced equipment such as X-rays. Sometimes the cracks may be too small to identify with imaging. However, dentists can consult with their patients and ask questions that can help determine if cracks are the likely culprit.