
  • Your Dental Crown Questions Answered

    A dental crown covers your entire tooth's crown, and it can be made from metal, porcelain, or composite resin. While metal crowns are usually more durable, porcelain crowns look the most like natural tooth tissue. Composite resin is also white like teeth, but it isn't as attractive as porcelain. If you would like to know more about dental crowns and why you may need one, keep reading. Why Might You Need a Dental Crown?
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  • How Going To The Dentist Does More Than Keep Your Teeth Healthy

    When you visit the dentist and have your family regularly attend your family dental care, you do much more for all of your family's health than just ensuring everyone has healthy teeth and gums. There are other health benefits that follow and you can learn more about them here. Remember, you should see the dentist a few times a year for cleanings and checkups, so if you cannot remember the last time you scheduled dental work, now is the time.
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  • Can A Dental Implant Replace A Long Absent Tooth Without Any Bone Grafting?

    If you're considering implant dentistry to replace a long-absent tooth, it's possible to be discouraged by your initial research on the topic. Your eligibility for a dental implant can depend on the density of your jawbone at the site of the empty dental socket. For many patients, this means that bone grafting is an unavoidable prerequisite for having an implant installed. But this isn't the case for all patients or all teeth.
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  • Emergency Dental Interventions For Apical Abscess

    An apical abscess is a severe infection of the nerve of a tooth. The abscess is filled with bacteria-laden pus, and can cause a severe toothache, a bad taste in your mouth especially when biting down or chewing, fever, fatigue, and muscle pain. If emergency dentist services are not implemented, your apical abscess may spread to other parts of your body. Here are interventions your dentist may recommend to treat your apical abscess.
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  • 3 Reasons To Consider Teeth Whitening Treatment Today

    The benefits of teeth whitening are quite impressive. Teeth, like skin, can change with age. The older you get, the more your teeth tend to yellow or even appear brownish in certain light. In other instances, teeth can be stained by smoking, poor dental hygiene, or consuming large quantities of certain drinks, such as coffee and tea. This staining can be embarrassing for some people who constantly show their teeth when speaking.
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  • What Can You Do for a Broken Front Tooth?

    Tooth trauma of any kind can be upsetting, especially if the tooth is near the front of your mouth. Even if you do not feel pain, the appearance of a broken tooth can cause poor self-esteem and embarrassment. A broken front tooth is a dental emergency, so you need to get medical attention right away. Here are some things you need to know if you break one of your front teeth:
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  • Two Reasons a Dental Crown May Be Recommended For Your Child

    Dental treatment is essential for people of all ages. Yet there are certain procedures often thought to be reserved for adults only, such as getting dental crowns. The reality is that patients of all ages can benefit from dental crowns, in certain situations. If you have a child and the topic of whether or not you should have them get a dental crown has come up, learn about some of the reasons why this procedure might be being recommended to you.
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  • Great Reasons To Become A Dentist

    There are a lot of great professions out there, but one of the more promising and lucrative still is dentistry. People will always need dentists to care for their teeth and gums in different ways. If you're pursuing this career path, here are some benefits you can expect. Make a Huge Impact on Patients Once you pass your examinations and finish dental school, you'll have the chance to help a lot of patients.
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  • Top Signs You Should Choose Dental Implants Instead Of Dentures

    When people think about solutions for missing teeth, most immediately think about dentures. It's true that dentures are a common solution for people who are missing teeth. In fact, many people find that they are able to greatly improve their quality of life by getting dentures. This does not mean that dentures are for everyone, however. Dental implants are another option for those who are missing teeth. If you are missing teeth and are thinking about getting dentures, consider these signs that dental implants might be a better choice for you instead.
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  • Why Dental Implants Could Be a Solution to Your Dental Problems

    Over the years, dentists have been developing new ways to solve different dental problems. To date, they have come up with several solutions for different teeth conditions. However, only dental implants seem to win against the rest of teeth replacement because they offer an array of benefits and help restore people's smiles after teeth loss. If you have damaged or missing teeth, here is why you should consider the dental implant procedure.
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