How Dentists Predict That Your Teenager Will Need His/Her Wisdom Teeth Removed

Posted on: 18 July 2016

If you have recently been informed by your family dentist that your teen's wisdom teeth will need to be removed, you may be wondering how it is your dentist would know that when your teen's wisdom teeth have not erupted yet. There are actually several indicators that a dentist looks at, which help him or her predict a future visit with a wisdom teeth oral surgeon. Here are just a few of the indicators that you can ask to see proof of when you next speak to your family dentist.
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Blame The Bottle: Dangers Of Juice Rot & How To Avoid It

Posted on: 24 May 2016

Juice rot, also known as baby bottle tooth decay, is a serious problem that affects many young children. Not enough parents have heard of this problem, so they're contributing to it without even realizing it. Make sure you know how juice rot occurs so you can prevent it and what you can do if one of your children ends up with it. What is Juice Rot? Juice rot, or baby bottle tooth decay, is a dental issue where a baby's teeth rot before or just after they come in because of sugary drinks.
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2 Home Remedies for Relieving Discomfort Caused by Sensitive Teeth

Posted on: 25 April 2016

If you have sensitive teeth, you may wonder if there is anything you can do to relieve the discomfort caused by them. If so, try one or all of the following home remedies along with any treatments your dentist may have prescribed to alleviate your symptoms. All of the ingredients can be found in natural health food stores or pharmacy departments in supermarkets and department stores. Brush Your Teeth With a Baking Soda & Peppermint Oil Paste
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Cleaning Tips To Reduce Infection Issues After Dental Implant Surgery

Posted on: 16 March 2016

If you have a dental implant placed in your mouth, then you surely want the device to last long-term. This means taking great care of the device, especially during the first few months of the healing period. During this time, you will need to make sure that you keep the dental implant clean or a condition called peri-implantitis will occur. This type of dental implant infection affects about 28% of all implant recipients and cit an cause you to lose your implant permanently.
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