Dental Implants And Sinus Lifts - How To Keep Stitches From Ripping

Posted on: 13 January 2015

If you have a dental implants operation scheduled for one or several of your front teeth, then your surgeon may also need to complete a sinus lift. The lift allows the oral surgeon to place bone material in the lower part of your sinus cavity. This provides better bone mass, so the dental implant root can be secured better within the jaw. Cuts must be made to the sinus cavity to place the bone, and stitches secure the incision.
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Looking To Cut Weight? Don't Skip Dental Care!

Posted on: 9 January 2015

With the trend of ultralight backpackers looking to cut mere ounces out of the weight of their pack, you may be tempted to forgo important medical supplies in your first aid kit or skip your oral hygiene products altogether. However dedicated to your sport you are, you don't want to risk your dental health to save a fraction of an ounce in your pack. Here are the top ways ultralight backpackers deal with dental care while they are out.
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Senior Loved-One? Tips To Help Them Properly Care For Their Teeth

Posted on: 6 January 2015

With the growing list of health problems that are being discovered to be caused or worsened by diseased gums and tooth decay, it is more important than ever for the elderly to take great care of their teeth. Next time you visit your favorite senior, ask what his or her oral hygiene routine consists of and whether they visit the dentist regularly. If you get an answer that signals oral health is being neglected, then here are some ways you can help.
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How Do Dental Implants Affect Other Dental Procedures And Conditions?

Posted on: 30 December 2014

If you've been eager to replace missing teeth, you may have put the blinders on and have only focused on implant preparation, surgery, and recovery. While it's definitely important to understand that entire process, don't forget to research how implants affect secondary oral conditions and procedures. For instance, besides dental implant surgery, are you considering orthodontic treatment as well? If so, you may actually need to hold off on the implants.
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