Can A Dental Implant Replace A Long Absent Tooth Without Any Bone Grafting?

Posted on: 29 December 2021

If you're considering implant dentistry to replace a long-absent tooth, it's possible to be discouraged by your initial research on the topic. Your eligibility for a dental implant can depend on the density of your jawbone at the site of the empty dental socket. For many patients, this means that bone grafting is an unavoidable prerequisite for having an implant installed. But this isn't the case for all patients or all teeth.
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Emergency Dental Interventions For Apical Abscess

Posted on: 12 November 2021

An apical abscess is a severe infection of the nerve of a tooth. The abscess is filled with bacteria-laden pus, and can cause a severe toothache, a bad taste in your mouth especially when biting down or chewing, fever, fatigue, and muscle pain. If emergency dentist services are not implemented, your apical abscess may spread to other parts of your body. Here are interventions your dentist may recommend to treat your apical abscess.
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3 Reasons To Consider Teeth Whitening Treatment Today

Posted on: 4 October 2021

The benefits of teeth whitening are quite impressive. Teeth, like skin, can change with age. The older you get, the more your teeth tend to yellow or even appear brownish in certain light. In other instances, teeth can be stained by smoking, poor dental hygiene, or consuming large quantities of certain drinks, such as coffee and tea. This staining can be embarrassing for some people who constantly show their teeth when speaking.
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What Can You Do for a Broken Front Tooth?

Posted on: 24 August 2021

Tooth trauma of any kind can be upsetting, especially if the tooth is near the front of your mouth. Even if you do not feel pain, the appearance of a broken tooth can cause poor self-esteem and embarrassment. A broken front tooth is a dental emergency, so you need to get medical attention right away. Here are some things you need to know if you break one of your front teeth:
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