Consider Lasers For Your Next Dental Procedure

Posted on: 17 May 2019

You might be surprised what these small but intense beams of light can do, and the dental field is no exception. Read on to find out why you should be asking your dentist about being treated by lasers for both your routine needs and for special procedures. What Can Dental Lasers Do For Me? You might be pleasantly shocked at the array of dental uses for lasers: Do You Snore?
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Invisalign Can Help You To Correct These Issues Associated With Crossbite

Posted on: 19 March 2019

When it comes to problems with a person's bite, having an overbite or an underbite are commonly issues that come to mind. While these two scenarios are common — especially the first one — another thing that some people face is crossbite. This term describes when some of the upper teeth are situated in front of the lower teeth, while other upper teeth are behind the lower teeth. If you're facing crossbite, you'll want to speak to a dentist who offers Invisalign services.
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Important Details To Include On A Tooth Fairy Receipt

Posted on: 19 March 2019

Losing a tooth naturally is an exciting event for any child — and there's no denying that part of the child's excitement is the anticipation of a visit from the Tooth Fairy. If your child has lost a tooth, you'll want to reward this accomplishment with some money or a small gift under his or her pillow. To document the event, you can also leave a receipt from the Tooth Fairy.
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4 Options For People Who Are Missing Teeth

Posted on: 20 February 2019

Tooth loss can happen for many reasons. You may lose teeth as the result of trauma or decay, or you may have to have teeth extracted for any number of reasons. Tooth loss can be very upsetting, since you need your teeth to smile, chew, and protect your gums. If you're missing one or more teeth, there are several options available to you. Here are four treatments than can help:
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